Friday, August 07, 2009

On Black Humour

I love it especially when its subtle. I was watching a British sitcom called "Not Going Out" with Herself tonight. This episode was centered around one of the actors, Tim, played by Tim Vine's Gran dying. The quip in question occurred at Gran's after funeral gathering. It was so subtle that Herself missed it completely. To appreciate it, you have to know that Tim's sidekick, Lee, has a joke for every occasion. In this particular bit, Tim had just been bought another in a long running gag bits, a glass of Creme de Menthe. About the 10th of his afternoon. Something was said about it & he replied, "No,no. I'm just here to toast Gran." He then turned very quickly to his friend & said,"And NO cremation jokes from YOU either."

I just about soiled myself laughing. Herself sat & looked at me with that look on her face that sort of said,"Hmmmm... Should I get the gun now or later.." When I had calmed down enough to explain it to her, she still didn't find it particularly funny. I guess that under the circumstances I can forgive her. I still think its a very clever , very funny throw away gag though...

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