Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Dinner on the wing

The night before last, just as I was contemplating hauling my weary old carcass out of the spa pool, I heard this whirring sound. I looked up in time to see this rather obese native pigeon come in through the archway like a fully loaded Hercules trying to take off on one engine.

Tonight after a lovely day with one of my cousins coming to visit for lunch, Herself went outside to puddle in the garden as is her wont. She had been out there about 20 minutes when she came in making be quiet & follow me signs. We went out the back & she pointed up into the plum tree at the back. Its a Christmas plum & the plums are just starting to come ripe now. In the branches I saw this....

Two beautiful Kereru, native pigeons, just absolutely gorging themselves on plums. Needless to say, I went in & got my camera & took these pictures.. aren't they a beautiful bird ? I'm sorry, but I can't help but see them on a plate with a do it yourself plumstuffing & roast potatoes &... &... &.....


Anonymous said...

Shakes head.
Sheesh Flattie that is juss bluddy awful.....
Those poor wee birdies that have such beautiful colours and you are sorting out what to eat with them?

Flattie said...

Wiv some Farva beans an a nice Chianti.... As a matter of interest, I HAVE eaten one a long long time ago & they taste beautiful.....