Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Grow dammit...

I've been procrastinating over my vege garden, but have finally got my act together. Bout a week or so ago, I hauled & heaved a trailor load of weeds out of it. Its not a very big garden as you will see, so you can imagine how overgrown it was. Last week I zapped all the regrowth weeds with me old mate, a glycophosphate weedkiller. Today I really bit the bullet. out came the trusty rake to level it all out & aerate it a bit, then opened one of my compost bins & spread 3 good wheelbarrow loads of good, rich black compost. Then off to the garden center.

I made it quite clear to Jude that all we were buying this trip was vegies. She is a bugger for buying stuff to put in the main garden, putting it down somewhere & when I find it, its past redemption. Having given a lot of thought to what i wanted to plant, we set forth. With Jude in her wheelchair,(Stops her wandering off looking at stuff) & one small dog in tow we sallied forth amid the bewildering array of plants various & sundry. This is what we ended up with...

As you can see, its not a big garden, but then there is onlyme to feed out of it. The beans on the rack are self sown from last year & the rhubarb just grows regardless of how I ill treat it. Other than that, I,ve got the makings of a good salad I hope. Celery, Silverbeet, (Swiss Chard before you ask Barbara!) Cos lettuce, Tomatoes, Garlic Chives, Parsley, Sage & a first for me, Globe Artichokes. Now it just has to grow.

Of course, I had to have the managing Director to supervise each plant into its hole. Whispas really is a bright spot for both of us with her funny little ways. While I was hanging out washing the other day, she was very carefully picking Hips off Jude's miniature border roses & eating them.. no hope..... Oh yes! we have found that she is rather partial to a dry white wine if its suitably chilled to. She will drink beer, but only under protest if nothing else is available. Even Tigs is easing up on her campaign of terror & so she should. Whispas came to her aid big time when Mac , the German Short haired Pointer from next door was chasing her. Sent him home with a big flea in his ear she did.

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