Fairly traumatic in some respects, but with the resulting reassessment of values & friendships I believe we have come off the wiser & stronger in spite of everything. A bit like the steel feeling needlessly tormented when it is put into the fire. If possible, my respect & admiration for Jude has grown & our love for each other has grown deeper if that is possible. Jude has lost what she thought was a dear friend, but found out in the process that things werent quite what they seemed. On the bright side, other friends have closed ranks & shown her just how much they appreciate & value her. For that, I thank you all. I have come out of it with a sense of humility over the way that she reacted to what essentially was a problem in her life that I caused.
We had a lovely day on Saturday going to Tauranga to visit Morticia, The Scary Fairy, Adman, The Whirly Dog & Merlin. A lovely day with a warm welcome from all bar Merlin. He just tolerates Morty, so we dont even get a look in. Was a bit of a murky trip home, with cloud piling up against the Waikato side of the Kaimai's. When we finally got under it all, we were treated to a most dramatic sunset. Luvly.
Hopefully I have 3 weeks of reasonably regular but long hours ahead of me. Ed is on holiday in Thailand, something he has been looking forward to & saving up for over two years. Hopefully he will be sober & straight enough to remember to come home. Still, if anyone else goes sick, I guess there will be the usual 3 way shuttle with me ending up goodness knows where .. Variety is the spice of life they say. My life is never dull anyway. I like that...
Merlin and me, well we gonna have words about the welcoming of guests into his, er I mean MY house. You know what they say; cats were once worshipped as Gods, some cats have not forgotton this.
And we got 3 of em...
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