Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I had a suitably witty

post in the form of a letter to Uncle Sam. I thought it was very clever & appropriate it being the 4th July & all, but I think the CIA must be monitoring my transmissions because it all disappeared down the squiggly little wire in the middle never to be seen again . There was a message about summink to do with HTML protocol, but I dont believe it. Anyway, today is a far more important day to remember, it being Robby Robertson's Birthday & all. You know, The Band.. far more important. Anyway I hope you enjoyed your 4th July. I did. By some quirk of refraction, A rainbow I was admiring ended up coming through the screen of the van & finishing on the back of my right hand. I'm waiting for my pot of gold now....


Morticia said...

Oh another one Im too young to remember well. Can we just go back to the Floyd stuff? Cos I cut my teeth on them.

Anonymous said...

Those CIA* slimeballs! Methinks your instincts are more than correct, Jamie. I, too, have had more than my share of cyberthoughts disappear into the Twilight Zone, usually those with left-leaning content.

Anyway (huge sigh)...

This will probably make me seem ridiculously uncool, but who is Robby Robertson? I doubt I can use Morty's excuse of being too young to remember him, inasmuch as you and I are contemporaries, though being "other-side-of-the-world" contemporaries might explain the dissonance in our rock star knowledge.

I just bought a book of sheet music called "The Groovy Years: 53 Songs of the Hippie Era" and have been at the piano all morning, rockin' my nostalgic heart out with the likes of the Beatles, the Mamas and the Papas, Steppenwolf, The Who, The Rascals, and Janis Joplin. Now THOSE folks I remember!


*Actually, it's probably not the CIA at all, but rather King George himself who's keeping his eye out on ilk such as you and I. Don't you feel honored? :-)

Flattie said...

Double sighhhhhhh... Robby Robertson, The Band, The night they drove old Dixie down, The Weight, Cripple Creek... Need I continue ? I know they were a Canadian group but.....

Morticia said...

The only Cripple Creek I have heard is one by Neil Young (Cripple Creek Ferry) and one by Steve Miller Band (Up on Cripple Creek).

**wanders off singing "the niiiiiiiight they drove old Dixie dowwwwwwwwwn"**

Now look what ya gone and done, ya got me singing and that's not a GOOD thing.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was Joan Baez or Linda Ronstadt who sang "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down". I honestly don't remember any of the groups you mentioned, Flattie. Sorry to disappoint you. (Actually, I'm not. I just like to blow sunshine up your fanny sometimes.)


Anonymous said...

On the contrary, Morty, singing is a VERY good thing. All the breathing it takes gets the circulation going. (At least that's what I tell my voice students, and they believe EVERYthing I tell them. Power trip!!)
