Saturday, July 15, 2006

I'm very proud of my youngest Son

last Sunday , the Pub that he is working in was the subject of a terrorist bomb scare . It turned out to be a false alarm due to there being an abandoned car out the front. He didnt know that at the time though. His biggest concern was a group of French tourists, that he eventually got the bright idea of enlisting the help of a French speaking staff member to shift. At that stage it was only that one side of the building to be evacuated/ They then requested the whole building evacuated. he requested the presence of the police to assist . He was told to stress the importance of it to his guests & that they should stroll up the road to the cordon if they wanted to see police. 15 minutes later, with guests still not coming out, the bomb dog & handler arrived along with a lone constable,who gave the all clear. here's his words on the subject.

Y'know, people are just fucken stupid. If it had been an actual fire, half of our guests would have become crispy critters. Half of them didn't even bother coming out of their rooms. Some stopped to pack their bags. I let the alarm ring for about 15 minutes, and when I went up to start doing a room by room check, there was still people coming out of their rooms. By this time, the bomb sniffer dog and his handler had shown up in their van, creating a police presence, which helped people get the hint that this was serious, and they should get out. Then, finally, a lone patrol man showed up to help out...way to go London Metro!!!...and just as I was starting the room by room check, he got the all-clear from his guv'nor, and it was "yeah, you can let every one back in now"...what a fun morning..

Neat huh ? The kicker is that the van that caused the scare is still sitting there . I'm very proud of him for staying put in a dangerous situation & doing what's right. From my years in The Fire Service, I know what its like trying to get people out of places. Well done son. Some folk dont really deserve to be out without a minder though I think


Morticia said...

Yeah, but apathy reighns supreme in people. It's never going to happen to them, it will always be some other poor bastard. And when it does happen to them, it's all just horrible bad luck and couldn't have been avoided. It's called personal choice.


Now you have made me think of Minder, I'm having a nasty little Dennis Waterman moment. Your son would likely be able to empathise, I think it's quite likely that HE watches Little Britain, even if his father doesn't.

[...they want me to write the feem tune, sing the feem tune...]

Oh and well done that man.

Flattie said...

Watch Little Britain ? I think he's bloody living it at the moment..

Anonymous said...

Bill read your story, Flattie, and he said he wasn't at all surprised how people reacted, particularly when he saw that it was a group of French tourists that was involved.

Bill worked for a French company (Total) until a year ago, and even though you normally would be hard pressed to find a prejudiced bone in his body, he has absolutely nothing good to say about the French. He describes them as the most arrogant people on the face of the earth. (My apologies if that offends any of your gentle readers, but Bill "calls 'em as he sees 'em".)

Coincidentally, he was the fire warden for his floor when he worked at Total, and he had to write up a couple of the Frenchmen who refused to leave their offices during a fire drill. Dickheads.

(Sorry, Morty, but I simply couldn't have said it better.)


Morticia said...

Are the French the most arrogant? My father would say it was the Swedes after enduring 4 weeks there one winter a few years ago. Reckons there's no way in hell he'd go back. Mind you, he wasn't too impressed by a Bulgarian woman working passenger service at Heathrow airport either, not after she said he was big enough to push his wife around so what did they have airport assistance for? Stupid cow, two over 70s, one cant walk much, the other had triple bypass surgery not long beforehand and they were lugging 6 weeks worth of travelling baggage with them.

D I C K H E A D S everywhere lmao