Saturday, April 14, 2007

Recovery time

It has sort of been a time of recovery for me lately. I think that at last I have recovered my relationship with my eldest son. Time will tell on that one. We went to say goodbye to some dear friends who are moving to the South Island a little while ago & she gave me back a text book on Huna that I lent her about 5 years ago. I value the wisdom in it hugely. She found it too deep & didnt finish reading it.

We did our usual wander round the markets this morning. Herself, as is her wont, cast an eye over the book stalls, & came up with another gem, one which I also lent out & never got back, Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintainence.Needless to say, we bought it. Now all I need is to find a book by Carlos Castenada called The Teachings of Don Juan. I lent that one out too. As far as I know, its now down in the Chatham Islands.. Fat chance of getting THAT back.. Other than that, a busy week. For us, a short week only means cramming 5 days work into 4. Hopefully things will settle a bit now that the Financial year & Easter are over & done with. Who knows........

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