Saturday, March 01, 2008

Confessions of a late night trucky

I haven't been listening to Dylan much lately. I have thought about it & I think that its because after seeing him live, somehow a disembodied voice is a little anticlimatical somehow. Also we have been hellish busy at work & when I DO listen to Dylan, I like it to be uninterrupted. I actually have 3 cd's here that I haven't even heard yet.

One of our drivers packed a little tantrum & decided that he wasn't going to come to work any more. As its a truck & trailer run normally, the Boss did it a couple of days & then when it became evident that this guy wasn't going to come back, flicked it off to me. I do have my T & T license, & am quite happy to do certain things with it, but draw the line at round town pickups in Auckland. The Boss was going to restructure the whole Auckland thing anyway, so yours truly has ended up doing the late run in the pick of our 6 wheelers. Its a long , low 6 wheeler, good for old crusties like me to get up & down onto the deck of. It also has a syncromeshed 8 speed Road Ranger gearbox, which really makes it a no brainer to drive, but its most redeeming features are air conditioning & a relatively good CD player.

So being in an expansive & generally good laid back mood on the way home last night, I dragged Dylan & the Dead out of my CD case & flashed it up. God its a great album. What a great guitarist Gerry Garcia was. Truly a shame he is gone now. With the advent of tours by every so called artist & group that ever cut a disc & still has at least one member alive & playing, THAT is one band that I might not sell my soul to go see, but I would at least take out a mortgage on it.

Unfortunately, that is what I would have to do, as Gerry & at least two of the other members are no longer with us, & somehow, The Grateful Dead without Garcia just wouldn't cut it. So I will just content myself with CD's & the $9.95 Warehouse DVD that I have.

Anyway, to cut to the chase as they say. The reason I was in a good mood last night ? Well, it was Friday for chrissake, but the main reason was the date. The 29th of February. Herself phoned me after she had finished her thing at the Hospital, & after she had done the groceries & after she had put beer in my beer fridge for me. Its the sorta thing she does you know? Rings for a chat cos she misses me. At the end of it all, she asked me to marry her. I of course accepted with alacrity. I think its pretty special that after 20 odd (Very odd some of them) years that she still loves me & wants to be with me. That makes you feel pretty good inside.

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