Sunday, January 31, 2010

We've got rain

Yes folks, we finally have precipitation. had to be in the middle of the long weekend though. Personally, I don't mind, cos we don't usually make a habit of going anywhere on long weekends anyway. Its not a lot of rain, just a gentle fall that is all being soaked up nicely into very thirsty soil. Its that dry here that the water isn't even making it to the end of the drain down the drive yet.

Meantime, I'm having a lovely time playing with my new toy. You know all those phone & power bills & bank statements that accumulate & you don't want to put out with the rubbish or recycling ? You KNOW how they tend to accumulate. Mine have accumulated for a number of years now. I bought a shredder yesterday & I've been having a lovely time. So far, I've cleaned out one tray of 4 filing baskets & have filled 2 black rubbish bags with shredded paper. It sorta grows when you shred it. later on today, I will take it down to the dump along with some other recyclables & the trailor load of organics that Lorna next door has accumulated. Thats if it stops raining of course....


Morticia said...

The kids nearly drowned at Parachute with water running almost knee high on H through the toilet block and torrential rain last night, like we had yesterday morning.

LOL They packed most of their gear last night and broke the rules with H moving into L's tent for the night in case they needed a quick evac. I guess we'll have out own tent city on the lawn while everything dries out.

Flattie said...

Be honest. Knee high on H is ankle deep on most other folk apart from Herself & you know it. So were WAS Moses when they needed him? Fairly solid rain here all night. Fattums was in 7th heaven. sitting at the back door till bed time watching it come down, drenched to the hide.. A happy little cat was she.