Sunday, June 15, 2008

Naff is Good

Don't you think ????


Morticia said...

Holy shit, I bow before your innate naffness O King of Froggy Naff *swoon*

Flattie said...


Morticia said...

Now, don't croak on me, will ya.

Flattie said...

Just a tad maybe

Morticia said...

*rolls eyes* you know those things almost look like urine bottles they give male patients in hospital, eh. Of course, if ya had a schlong an appropriate size for one of those, you probably WOULD be in hospital.

I rechristen the courtyard "Flattie's Urinal and Spa Bar"

Flattie said...

Now you're really pissing me off. Anyway what would YOU know about the shape of male pee bottles. If you lift them suckers an piss in 'em you don't need to worry bout the size of ya old fella

Morticia said...

My mummy was a nurse. I've SEEN them bottles lol

Flattie said...

You'll bloody well end up in one if ya don't stop

Morticia said...

Yuss Boss (pffftttttttt)

cwnda said...

I'm thinking 'phallic symbols' and wondering if the next purchase is gonna be condoms to fit -Ô¿Ô-