Thursday, February 25, 2010

We've had rain......

Not an absolutely torrential downpour I will admit, but enough to wet the plants & the concrete down. Hopefully enough so that herself won't feel compelled to water the garden tonight. I always feel guilty when I look out the window & see columns of water waving indolently back & forth courtesy of the sprinkler. Herself loves to water by hand so she can commune with her plants, but lately the communion has taken back seat to winter olympics.

I must confess to feeling slightly guilty about the whole watering thing though. I keep expecting to see a row of little Ethiopians or something lining up with buckets to fill & carry 10 km back to their huts. I wonder if they got any rain to help put out the big fire in the Taiere Girge down Dunedin way...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Waves to Mr and Mrs Flattie
and am pleased you are getting some rain.

Your jolly remarks though about the firewood has reminded me that we are now in Autumn. When did that bluddy happen!
I havn't had summer yet!!!!!!!

Hugs ya, cheers Muna