Friday, March 12, 2010

Eight days a Week

Well, it hasn't really been 8 days, but in a lot of respects it feels like it has been so far. I am actually very proud of myself. The reaming out that I got from the doctor on Monday has made me very stubborn & determined. I am looking forward to the next time I go to see her. I intend to hand her back her prescription & the remaining Zopiclone tablets from the last lot. I haven't given in & taken one yet. Nor am I going to. The herbal capsules seem to be helping. I think that like anything herbal, they may take a while to kick in properly. There is the possibility that they may be having more psychological benefit at this point, but no matter. I have also given up my afternoon Nanna nap. But then , I don't actually feel that I need it now. Sitting down for an hour in the afternoon watching Star Trek is just as beneficial. Keeping busy is a big plus as well. All in all, I'm very proud of my efforts.

Herself has had a new lease of life as well. She has attacked the front garden in a manner that can only be likened to the actions of a cat with chronic diahorrea. I must admit that it is looking really great. has just about given me the incentive I need to breathe life into Morris the Mixer, (Remember Morris?) & actually get some concreting done. Now that its a bit cooler & my self confidence seems to be coming back, I actually feel that it might be feasible to do it. Herself would be happy to see it done. That is as much reason as anything to get it done as anything.

We had a lovely day today. One of Herself's cousins from Hastings came to see us. They are staying with friends in Whangamata for a week & thought it would be a nice idea to come see us. We thought it was a good idea too. We had a lovely time together & it was, as it always is for me when we have guests, a treat to do lunch other than my usual boring sandwich or noodles & yoghurt for Herself. It was also lovely to be able to sit at table & enjoy a good conversation with really lovely guests. Thanks Mike & Kaye, you really made our week for us.

Tomorrow, we will probably go out to Placemakers & sort out some beading to finish off the front door. I wasn't initially going to bother, but the more I look at the more I think it needs it just to finish it off. Monday, massage for herself, Tuesday, Respiratory Clinic for herself at Waikato, Friday Craft for Herself & massages for us both. Where did I ever find time to work ? All that & the calendar says its a good week for fishing as well.....

1 comment:

Mike and Kay said...

The visit was our pleasure. Nothing like sitting around a table with great food & excellent company. And we specially valued the sharing of family stories as we are prone to do at our tender age! Kay & Mike