Sunday, March 14, 2010

Someone left a Cake out..

OK, it wasn't raining & it wasn't Mac Arthur Park either, but someone definitely left a cake out. We found it when we got home yesterday. There it was in all its glory around the back of the garage. No idea who left it, or how long it had been there. An hour or so & a phone call later, the mystery was solved. You see, last weekend I did a favour for a friend. Her Mum had just been givena replacement video for her old one. She thinks watching TV in the afternoon is a little decadent, so she tapes all her favourite shows & watches them in the evenings when "there is nothing else on to watch." Go figure.

Anyway, the whole family is a bit technologically challenged, so me being an electronics genius ( stop laughing) I was asked if I would mind popping round & tuning the video & telly in with each other. I didn't mind. Maisy is one of those delightful people who just ooze goodness in a wonderful way & so is her daughter. We have been friends with her daughter a number of years. Herself first met Min through Keep Thames beautiful & they have stayed good friends since. So as I say, I didn't mind doing it. The whole family have been very supportive to us in tough times, so it was a small thing to do.

Anyway, as I said, I got a phone call. It was from Maisy. She had dropped the cake round just to say "thank you." She didn't have to & she knew full well that I didn't expect anything. That's just Maisy's nature. It was a lovely thing to do & much appreciated by us both.

Isn't it wonderful that there are still folk like this in the world. It's sad that their efforts go largely unheralded & unrecognised. I nearly said unrewarded, but changed my mind. Rewards, apart from spiritual, are the last thing on their minds when they do for others. We have endured the questionable antics of our wonderful "Bishop Brian" in the media lately. It's kind of difficult to get away from the allegations of avarice that spew forth from the media daily. Its very evident, to me anyway, that the only thing he is in it for is the money, quite happy to strip cash from families on low income. An EFTPOS machine in the church foyer ? Come on.

I watched Jamie Oliver's American Road trip with interest on Friday night . he was in the deep south, specifically Georgia. He stopped the night in a trailor park & went out to fraternise with the local rednecks that live there. Not exactly the deep end of the genetic pool. It shocked him deeply to find out that there are still folk down there that use the word "Nigger" & mean it. In contrast, he went to a service at one of the evangelical churches of the genre usually preferred by those of African American Heritage. Aside from the music, which I absolutely love, what a contrast. There the emphasis is all about helping those in the congregation more needy than yourself. And lets face it. If you are needy in the States, you are NEEDY. Unemployment benefit is a lot harder to get & there is no free health system. I am absolutely certain, & I know for a fact that there are, that there are churches here that have the same amount of love & concern for their congregation as the American ones do. It's just sad that their efforts at the moment are overshadowed by an avaricious, relentless megalomaniac.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excuse, that I can not participate now in discussion - there is no free time. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think on this question.