Thursday, March 03, 2011

The air that I breathe

Well, its been an eventful week. As well as our visitors on the weekend, we had an appointment with the Neurologist on Monday. We got given some news there that I am going to have to pass on to Judes kids, so forgive me if I don't share it here until I've told them. Needless to say I'm not looking forward to doing it & it is, at the moment added stress that I don't need.

Jude is starting to become more & more reliant on her BIPAP, both during the day & also at night. Physically, she is getting very unsteady on her feet, can't dress herself & can't even roll on to her side when she goes to bed. We are, I think, both starting to get a little scared. WE do have very good help around us, but it's not there 24/7. Most times , its just Her & I. I'm hoping that cooler weather will bring some relief for us both, but I'm not holding my breath. Neither is Jude. She is actually having difficulty getting enough air into her system anyway without interrupting the flow in any way.


Erin said...

I hear you mate. Kia kaha.

cwnda said...

I think of you guys often.
I know your pain - know that it is shared.