Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stormy Weather

Well, it's been a lusty blustery few days here. Because we are so sheltered, we dodge the worst of the wind, but nothing alas, can shelter us from rain. So , armed with 3 days worth of washing I hit the clothesline this morning. For the record, I don't do lines in garages or clothes horses. Can't stand them. I will if the situation warrants throw the odd load in the dryer, but definitely prefer natures way the best. I got it all dry. I was enjoying my usual quiet time folding & sorting the washing. It's always the same. The little dog snuffles around the edges of the garden making it seem as though there is a regiment of hedgehogs on manoeuvres & Fattums the cat rolls round on her back playing with what ever bit of stick she can find. On a day like today when there is just enough wind to render the washing nice & soft as well as dry. I knew that rain was inevitable from the lowering black clouds approaching. Still it was a little disappointing to feel the first few drops on the backs of my hands when I was still only two thirds of the way through getting it into the basket. So that made for the usual mad dash of grabbing it all into the basket & inside before it got more than a few drops on it. I went inside leaving Fattums lying on her back in the middle of the lawn enjoying the feel of rain on her fat old ginger tum.

I have solved the problem of getting Jude into Sherman. I'm told that all by myself, I have re invented the transfer board. Whatever. It works. A nice smooth board with a handle on one end that I sit on the car seat, then sit Jude on it & slide her across. Much easier than bodily lifting her in.

One of the drawbacks of the patient/caregiver situation can be lack of human contact other than health care professionals & especially in Jude's case, I feel the lack of ordinary conversation. For some reason, friends, other than a very loyal minority, stop calling. This can be for a number of reasons, but chiefly I think because the sight of the patient scares them, they don't know what to say, or they don't want to tire the patient out. Well, we have had plenty of contact over the last few days. Thursday wasn't so hot. Jude had an appointment with the Respiratory Clinic in Thames for 10.30. basically, it was a waste of time, with me having to explain, yet again, why Jude can't do a respiratory function test. She hasn't been able to for the last 2 years or so. One would think the message would have got through after that long. After an hour, Jude was not in good shape & I was ready to tell them we were going home. Fortunately, they found her a bed to lie on & put her at the top of the list to be seen. Then we got seen by the new registrar, who proceeded to ask the same old questions that we have answered God knows how many times in the past & upset Jude by talking about a time when she wouldn't need the BIPAP. Basically a waste of time that took Jude most of Friday to recover from.

Saturday we had a lovely time. Packed Jude & the dog into Sherman & we went down to the market. It was a nice enough day weatherwise. Whispa very dutifully trotted alongside Jude's chair & we all thoroughly enjoyed being out & about & talking to people, not to mention coming home with a nice smoked Kahawai for me & a nice warm pair of hand knitted wooley gloves for Jude.

As if that wasn't enough, we had visitors Saturday afternoon. Both of us. Jude had her most loyal friend Joy come to see her, & Al dropped in to see me at about the same time. Al is an old workmate & one of the very few that has actually bothered to stay in touch after I finished working. It was a real tonic to sit down with an old mate & catch up on gossip over a few beers. Other than the washing & keeping up to scratch with dishes etc., I haven't really done a lot. But I do feel refreshed & recharged. Thats the main thing isn't it ?

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

I really enjoyed reading this. I totally identified with your description of hanging out the washing. Our cat Oscar winds himeself round my legs when I'm at the line, then flops down on my feet, waiting for a good scratch - it slows the laundry drying process considerably!!
Your account of the visit to the Respiratory Clinic filled me with dismay. I felt bad for both of you. So glad Saturday was such a good day.