Sunday, May 13, 2007

Today we christened Top Dog

You know, my new boat. Twas a beautiful day, & we caught some wonderful fish, some snapper up to 4 pounds.. Sounds better than 2 an a bit kg's dont it ?

This is my young friend Hami, who we took out with us. The Kahawai that he is holding up tipped the fishing club scales at 2.7 kg's, & has given him the club record for this species so far. If nobody else betters it , he will get a prize in October at the official end of the season.; Damn but that fish put up a fine fight, jumping out of the water & all . Quite a thrill for him to land it unaided & a thrill for us to watch it all. We had a wonderful day, with me pulling the plug (figuratively speaking) & heading for home at about 2.00 pm. Even then it was so nice that we motored up to Tapu & cruised along the coast for home.. First of many great days we hope..

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