Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Go ahead, you may as well. Everyone else has......

Well, they haven't shat on my head specifically today, just indirectly. To be specific, they have shat from great height, at great length & with consummate fluidity on herself today. She really hasn't had a good one. Firstly, she got a $200.00 ticket for having an expired registration on the herselfmobile. Fair enough, our fault , will grudgingly wear that one. Half an hour later, the same fucking parking nazi issues her with ANOTHER $200.00 ticket. This one for NOT displaying a registration certificate. She had it with her while she was checking to see if there was enough money in the bank to pay the rego, then go do it, using the old cert for the details. I am going to have someones testicles for that one... The irony of it is, that when I came home for lunch, sorted the finances & took her down to do it, we found out that the Herselfmobile wasn't warranted either. Fortunately our tame mechanic has rectified that so we can sort it out tomorrow..

Had enough yet ? Ohhh Nooo.... Somehow she has managed to misplace her bag. I feel certain that its in one of the shops that she visited, but she is upset that the gold watch that work presented me with was in it.

Give up ? After she got home Doofus went walkabout & got himself arrested by the Dog Ranger Nazi. She got him back after some harsh words & proving that he was registered.

After a day like that, naturally she was too scared to go anywhere near the kitchen, So we let Mac Donalds do the cooking. Fine right up to the point where she spilled her coffee. I kid you not.

Me ? I had a good day. I went to Coromandel, & got to see this....
I want one.. Its got a grunty big V8 under it....


cwnda said...

She really has pissed the Bad Luck Fairy off - big time! You better brush up on the 'Never mind, dear' words ASAP -Ô¿Ô-

Morticia said...

Fuck she fell from the top of the tree there Boyo. Lucky you weren't using that KFC voucher dude - she'd have spilled all that gravy down her FEDS shirt and had nothing to wear as well.

I feel her pain. She knows this.]

She's been a statue today, tomorrow she can be a pigeon again.

Flattie said...

Only bright spot is that I got around to checking the answer phone when I got up this morning. Her bag is at the Post Shop.. Flock off pigeon...