Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday Monday

Can't trust that day... So sang the incomparable Mama Cass. I know what she means now. Mondays always seem to be my worst day of the week these days. Especially when I have a "time out" weekend. I need them, probably about every second weekend at the moment. You know the sort of weekend I mean. laze around doing absolutely nothing except read, have good nights sleep & go back to work relaxed & refreshed..... NOT. Sleeping in the afternoon for some reason doesn't seem to be an option at the moment. Either a fly, or a dog barking, or a lawn mower , or the phone, you know how it goes. At least during the week, I come home tired & can actually sleep for most of the night.

Some nights, I wake up about 4.00 AM & find it hard to get to sleep. Those nights I call my "cat nights" because quite often the only thing that gets me back to sleep is a pussycat snuggled up next to me to stroke, while feeling her purring rattling into my chest. Tiggerpuss seems to have developed a 6th. sense as to when she is needed. You can just about put money on it that just when I'm thinking that its time to go find a cat, she jumps up on the bed. marches up to the pillow for a chat, then snuggles down purring. Just what the doctor ordered. I've got a ways to go yet, but I am getting there. Its not like I have any options really. Its all about finding a way to cope.

I did my usual bulk delivery run to Whangamata today. On the way down the East side of the Kopu Hikuai, the road evens out & the bush becomes stunted & scrubby. As I came round one particular corner what did I see but two small baby wild piglets frollicking in the morning sun. They saw me, jumped in the air, spun round & headed flat out for the scrub. All a big game. Later on that day, I did a delivery to a Mr Flower who grows Chrysanthemums. Very difficult to maintain a straight face under the circumstances.

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