Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Anniversarys & stuff

My youngest son phoned me tonight. He realised that it was our 20th wedding anniversary today & just wanted to make sure that I was doing alright with the idea. We chatted for a while & seeing as tomorrow is his daughter Conaires 2nd birthday & seeing as we had sent her a present, he suggested that we both flash up Skype so we could watch her unwrap her pressy, so we did. That took all of 30 seconds. She surely isn't a save the paper sort of gal. I thought I did well for a present for her. Its a kitset kite, that includes paint & a brush, so that you can decorate it your self.

For a two year old, she is doing incredibly well. She is talking quite legibly & actually called me "Poppy." That was a nice end to a mixed sort of day emotion wise. I have sort of been having my ups & downs emotionally these last few days thinking about what has been, what is & what is to come. I try not to think about the bit yet to come too much. What is can generally occupy my mind quite successfully. The anniversary gift guide says china or platinum & apparently we should be celebrating ideas & symbols. Somebody asked if we were doing anything special tonight. I said, "Yeah sure. We are going out for tea if we can find a restaurant whose concept of BYO includes the concept of 3 bottles of Fortisip & a 50ml catheter syringe." Didn't fancy our chances much, so stayed home & had a tin of Irish Stew that needed eating. Was OK, but would have been nicer with a bit more meat in it.

So anyway, I ordered her a rather lovely bouquet of flowers that had some beautiful red roses in it that she loves so much. That & bought her a soppy card as well. It all made her cry, so I suppose I did the right thing....


Morticia said...

Happy Anniversary from all of us :-)

Flattie said...

thanks guys XXXXXX