Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm glad I dont need American help

It's far too costly. In the news tonight , they interviewed veterans marching in the US equivalent of our ANZAC Day parades. The subject in question was American involvement in Iraq. One old chap, who probably only saw action in the nearest bordello he could find, poked his chicken chest out & said, "Waaalll, we wupped the Japs & now I guess its our turn to wup these guys." This was in response to being told that Coalition fatalities are approaching the 3000 mark & injuries the 22000 mark. Another geriatric redneck had this to say after being told that the civilian casualties are nearly impossible to estimate.. "Waalll (do ALL American opinions start with "Waaalll") They brought it on themselves you know." I wont tell you my reaction to THAT gem. Suffice it to say that herself started chasing me round the lounge waving a bar of soap in determined fashion. I guess Saddam Hussein could probably find cold comfort in the old saying,"We're gonna hang yuh right after we give yuh a fair trial. "

Does it really matter who fires the bullet or sets off the bomb ? Dead is dead for chrissakes. I find a certain measure of cold comfort in the news that the Democrats are taking over the Senate. Now theres another thing you shouldn't get me started on. The American political system. Even Americans that I know dont really understand it. I guess thats why a lot of them have emigrated to New Zealand.

Don't get me wrong here. I actually do know some nice Americans. Its just that I dont really want their military forces "helping" me. THAT looks like a costly & extremely protracted arrangement, & i'm not sure I want it.

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