Saturday, November 18, 2006

Well, what a day

This is my new set of wheels. Its a 1992 Isuzu Mu with a turbo charged 2.8 litre diesel motor & a manual gearbox. Its got a few minor things wrong with it, but I dont care. I love it to bits already. Herself & me drove down to Rotorua this morning to get it. it wasnt a terribly pleasant day, but it didnt really matter.

We called in to have lunch with Morty & family on the way home. Its always good to see them & its starting to get exciting, as its down to days now until the U2 concert. Nushka as usual did the canine meet & greet thing with her usual style & grace, with only one small lapse when she prostituted herself for a portion of Apricot Danish.

The good bits hadnt finished, because when we got home, there was a message on the answer phone telling us that herself had won a raffle at the Hospital, the prize being a nights accommodation, dinner & breakfast at Hotel du Vin. Lovely... Get to see the grand kids etc tomorrow sio that will be good as well.. More later


cwnda said...

Hope you've figured out how to park it in a garage safely -Ô¿Ô-

Talia said...

Wow you won a raffle too??? Lady luck is smiling on you

You’ve been tagged for the blog chain 'five things people don't know about me'

Have fun, Talia