Monday, October 08, 2007

I've got babies....

I was gonna clean out my fishpond, honest, but it got deferred somewhere along the way in between going fishing & tidying up the courtyard for a visitor that ain't bloody well coming now anyway. But I sorta just had it forced on me a bit. Went out to the courtyard, & here is one of the Ginger Ninja's with one of my prize fish flopping around in the cement dust that I've been sweeping into the cracks. It looked like it was a lost cause, all nicely dredged in cement & ready for the pan, but no, a mouth gaped & a tail weakly flopped, so I picked it up & carefully wiped as much of the cement off it that I could, tried to drop kick the cat, with about as much luck as Daniel Carter, & carefully placed the said fish back into the pond.

To my surprise, it very carefully swam off. A little lop sided at first but it soon came right & off it went. While I was watching I noticed some baby goldfish swimming round. About 6 or so of them. This is very cool for me as I have never in my long history of goldfish keeping actually had any breed before. So I cleaned out all the dead leaves & topped the water up to give them all a fighting chance at getting below periscope depth to avoid the Ninja's, threw a clod of dirt at said Ninja, (Fattums) & sat & wondered at the marvel of creation & procreation for a while. Now I gotta go put the shade sail back up... then, once the cement drys, I gotta move the spa pool to its summer location & fill under that, finish off the back fence, make some mowing strips in the back yard, put up some more trellis, replace the spouting............... Did I mention that I'm on holiday ?

1 comment:

Morticia said...

Well, when else are you going to catch up with your chores if not on holiday, hmmm??