Friday, August 28, 2009

Stevie Ray Vaughan & Me

I turned over the vege garden this afternoon. There is something very satisfying about turning over a garden when the soil is rich & friable. Its even more satisfying when you know that the soil id that way because of your own efforts. When we moved in, it wasn't a good garden at all. The soil was all puggy, heavy & a lot of clay. Over the years that we have been here, I have invested a lot of time & effort into that dirt. All the fish gut gets buried there for a start. I have lost track of how many trailor loads of mulch that I have brought back from the dump & dug into it. Also, I have put a lot of compost from our own bins into it as well.

It's paid off. We now have this garden that is nice light black soil. The layer of clay has broken down into a lovely sandy loam, that aerates the soil nicely. It is all absolutely swarming with worms as well. Herself came out & planted some cabbages & tomato plants. Not as many as she has in the past, though I have no doubt that more will follow. It was a nice afternoon to be doing it as well. Sunny, but not opressively hot.

So what part did Stevie Ray play in all this ? Well, him & Double Trouble provided the entertainment. Work like that always goes a lot better with some laid back music to listen to. Its almost as good as the cold beer afterwards...


cwnda said...

Naaah - no amount of Stevie Ray could ever compete with a cold beer ..... -Ô¿Ô- 

Kathy said...

Interesting bit of trivia: Bill's sister Darelle was a personal friend of Stevie Ray's back in the early 80's when he played clubs in Austin. Then she moved to New Orleans and became more of a jazz buff. Nevertheless, she took it pretty hard when he was killed.

Flattie said...

Thankyou for that.. Yeah, it' sad but true that they always seem to take the really good way too early. He really wass one of those truly effortless performers that make it all seem so easy........