Tuesday, September 07, 2010


If what you are after is a bit of mindless violence, lots of shooting, flames & blowing stuff up, then this is the movie for you. It could be called rightly the pensioner action hero tax benefit movie, because they are all there to a greater or lesser degree. Not a huge lot of plot, but good music lots of action, not a huge amount of meaningful dialogue, pretty girls, loud powerful guns & a team of old pros who take on a whole island full of baddies without anyone getting killed. OK, so there is the odd flesh wound & some very nasty paper cuts from trying to read scripts & possibly a bit of wind burn, but everybody survives except the baddies of course.

Herself & I went to see it in Dunedin today. A good way to fill in s couple of hours on s dreary drizzly Dunedin day & also a good way not to get too far under foot for my ever tolerant daughter in law. Oh yeah, got a good deal or two on some sale items at the Warehouse as well. Just another cruisy day in Dunners, but roll on the 16th when we should be able to plug on with our trip. That is, if the bloody radiographers arent still on strike.....

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