Thursday, September 30, 2010

Past Haast to Frigid Franz

This was the view I opened the ranchslider on our motel up to in the morning. The lighter bit at the top was golden when I first saw it, but by the time I got the camera, that had gone, but it was still very pretty
So , we loaded Shermy up again & actually headed south. I did actually hope to have a photo of a beautiful wild stag that comes out & wanders around the township of an evening, but he didn't cooperate while we were there. I thought I was the victim of a West Coast legpull till I was shown a photo of him at the back of our motel unit.

Our host at the motel recommended that we go to a place called Neils Beach to watch the local whitebaiters in action so we did...

The pic with Sherman in it is actually looking back along the beach toward dry land. At high tide, all this is under water. It was really great driving out there with the river on one side & breakers coming in & washing round your wheels on the other. Yet another occasion where I was thankful for 4WD. On the way out, Sherman insisted on passing the time of day with one of his Southern Cousins..

After quite a lot more very pretty, very narrow road, we effectively reached the end of the road, a very pretty, very tranquil little place that is steeped in history & derives its living from the crayfish industry.

My little Sweety contemplating the peace & tranquillity at the end of the line

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