Saturday, January 08, 2011

It aint half hot mum......

Damn but its hot here. I have actually refilled the spa pool & kept the temperature down to about blood warmth level, just to cool off. Jude has been doing it very hard. She has actually resorted to using her BIPAP machine during the day, but its awkward. Very difficult to either read or watch telly while wearing it. On Attilla's suggestion, I went looking for a dehumidifier, but with no joy. I did however find just purely by chance at the Red Shed, A thing called an evaporative cooler. Basically, you put ice & cold water in the top & cool air gets blown out the bottom. It helps immensely, for which I am very grateful as she was finding it very hard to cope..

We have had Chris & Melanie staying with us for a few days. Its been an absolute delight. Mel is one of these folk who just have to be doing something all the time. It's been wonderful. The washing has been done, hung out, brought in & folded, the kitchen gets miraculously tidied. All those hundred & one jobs that you don't realise how much you share until one of you is too ill to play their part. Christopher came down to help me tidy up the garden. Its been that hot, that we have just dashed out in the early evening to get about an hours worth done. Its been enough though. The gardens are now cleared to the point where I can see what I'm doing. I'm not sure what I'm going to plant in them though, but ground cover is going to be fairly high on my list, I don't like weeding.

But, they have gone home now sadly, so its back to the grind again. I guess I better go. Vegetables to water, Sherman to put away, washing to bring in, tea to cook, sweat to drip. God, I lead a busy life..

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