Monday, January 17, 2011

Reflections on Serendipity

The word serendipity, so we are led to believe, is one of the hardest words in the English language to translate. It owes its origins to the old Persian name for Ceylon, Serendip, which I think is a much nicer name than Sri Lanka, Don't you ? It has come to mean over the years the art of finding something that you aren't looking for, or didn't know was lost.

Just over 12 months ago, Jude lost her engagement ring. She was very upset about this. Out of all proportion to the monetary value of it. You see, when we got married, we were on a very tight budget & couldn't afford an engagement ring, so a few years went by before we could afford one. We got this particular ring from a lady in Pukekohe. It wasn't incredibly expensive, but it was very pretty & it just felt "right." haven't you ever bought something that just felt right? So, the sentimental value far outweighed the monetary value. You can imagine then how distressed Jude was to have lost it. Not that we didn't search diligently for it you understand. In fact, we turned the house upside down looking for it. I even resorted to taking all the u bends out & checking them, but to no avail. We have both made half hearted searches both on line & in shops for a replacement, but nothing seemed right, so we went without, but I don't think Jude ever stopped feeling bad about losing it.

So, here we were yesterday afternoon, sitting in the lounge, sheltering from the heat & thinking up excuses as to why we weren't doing anything when Colleen breezes in. Colleen is Jude's caregiver. She is also a long standing dear personal friend & the most infuriatingly kind hearted & optimistic sweetheart you could wish to meet. So in she comes looking brighter & cheerier than normal." Have you guys lost a ring?" says she. "Why yes we have ," says us, ( really just me saying it with Jude nodding her head vigorously) so she opens her hand & there is Jude's ring!

Turns out that some time ago, Jude lent Colleen her jar of ring cleaner & Colleen had only gotten around to using it yesterday. On giving it the customary shake, she heard it rattle. Investigation showed Jude's ring nestling safe & sound therein. So everybody's happy. Colleen is happy because she has made a friend happy. Jude is happy because she has her treasured ring back & I'm happy because she is happy.

Now if somebody could find the thermostat & knock back the temperature & the humidity.......


cwnda said...

The Difficult is that which can be done immediately; the Impossible that which takes a little longer. -
George Santayana

Hey - I'm working on it, guys. -Ô¿Ô- 

Flattie said...

He, obviously, is related to Carlos ?