Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My Bete Noire

If I have a Bete Noire, it is pretty young blonde women. I have been reduced to a state of speechlessness by one or more of them on one or more occasions, the latest being today. I am at present doing the delivery run out of Hamilton that encompasses Morrinsville, Te Aroha & Paeroa. At present I have a helper, but that will cease next week when he goes on holiday. We had a small pallet of some 10 or so cartons to deliver to one of the liquor stores in Morrinsville today. As it was a small quantity, we decided that rather than go through the drama of getting the fork hoist out & all the resultant rigmarole, it would be easier to strip the pallet down & load it into a shopping trundler or two, which we were doing.

So, out comes this rather pretty young blonde lass who works there . Not only is she extremely easy to look at, but she is wearing very tight jeans. Now Herself will attest as to my weakness for a shapely bum in tight jeans, her own having been groped on numerous occasions while similarly clad. anyway, back to the blonde.. Out she comes, sidles up to me & says, "So, its just a hand job today is it ?" I of course immediately responded with such conversational gems as, " ah... uhmmm I errr yes uhmmm Ok." Ohh yes. I am the absolute model of suavity & coolness.. Meanwhile, my sidekick is hiding his face, but I can see his shoulders shaking, so I KNOW he's laughing... Revenge is sweet & a dish best savoured cold.. Meanwhile, remind me to stay away from blondes for a bit.. They aint as dumb as they seem you know..

1 comment:

Morticia said...

Bete Noir, is that Elizabeth Black? I think I've heard of her. Incongruous name for a blonde, innit...