Saturday, April 18, 2009

And I never inhaled

I watched my first 3d movie ever last night. Journey to the center of the Earth. The plot was pretty thin, just an excuse really to hang all the cool 3d effects on. I was glad that we didn't have any visitors because we both looked like a pair of dorks sitting there with our cute little pairs of red & green glasses on. Damn but those things screw with your brain. Took me about half an hour for my eyes to settle & refocus.

After that, we watched a movie that Herself chose called "The Bucket List" For those of you that cant be bothered looking it up, it stars Jack Nicholson & Morgan Freeman as a pair of elderly, irascible old men, both terminally ill who meet in Hospital & between them compile what they call the bucket list. Things to do before you kick the bucket. As Nicholson's character is incredibly wealthy, they can go & do these things. Its is, however, a very deep & profound movie especially for a couple in our current situation. It all ended, as I thought it would, with Herself in tears & me not knowing what to say. We have a lot of moments like that lately it would seem. I have developed a policy at such times of simply putting my arms around her & holding her till she stops. Platitudes like, "Don't be scared" "It'll be alright" "There's nothing to cry about" really don't have any value to either of us. It's far more important , I think, at this stage in our lives & relationship, to be honest & open about such matters. Did you know that on the 18th of next month, we will have been married for 18 years, & together for about 5 more than that. Its had its ups & downs, but I wouldn't swap one single day of it for anything.

Tonight, courtesy of Herself's big brother, We are going to see Dame Malvina Majors in concert & hopefully get to meet her afterwards. You see, Herself's big bro manages her & she is doing a whistlestop tour of the smaller centers in NZ. I'm sure that Herself will thoroughly enjoy the evening. Me ? Well, I'm going anyway.


Kathy said...

Once again, and as I've come to expect, you made me cry, Flattie. You know you're touching people's hearts, don't you? Please give Herself my deepest, most sincere regards.

Awaiting your review of Ms. Majors' performance...

Anonymous said...

Gives wee Jamie an' Herself such a big hug and does the happy dance. I have finally worked out how to become become a follower!
Smiles and I'm sure you'll enjoy the concert. Just plug in an earphone with Bob Dylan and applaud when you see the audience clapping.
Think I've stuffed up my username, bugga!
Thinking of you
Love Muna