Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's Been a Hard Day's night.

But I haven't been working like a dog. In fact I haven't been working at all this week apart from Monday. You see, an old shoulder injury was aggravated by some clown in Whitianga letting go of a fridge that we were unloading supposedly together, leaving me with all the weight. But it worked out OK though, Herself's exhusband's Aunty passed away & Herself wanted to go to the funeral. So we went. The old dear died at the ripe old age age of 96 having led a carefree & self centered life, never marrying or having children, just travelling the world. It was a small funeral with no religious overtones & only a small number of people there. There were actually more people at my sister's funeral, which I suppose says something. The other significant thing that happened was that I met the other significant person in Herself & her family's past. Her ex's second wife. Far from being the dragon the family made her to be, I found her easier to talk to than his current one. Its a strange world at best isn't it ?

Rather than try to fight our way home through the Easter traffic,remember Easter? we elected to stay over at Herself's daughters place. This was a good idea, because both her sons came round for the evening, so it was a nice family gathering for her. While we were there we were introduced to the latest family member, Kobi. He is a 9 week old Shitzu puppy & cute as a button. He is very hard to get a picture of though because he looks like an animated ink blot. Here is the best that I could manage.

You will, I think, have to take my word for it that he really is a cute little tacker, just so damn black that its hard to get a good pic of him. I'm a little worried for him when he finally gets down here though. Misty will be OK with him, but the Ginger Ninjas will probably treat him as an entree.

In the meantime, I have a couple of very important life changing decisions to make. Does anyone have a cup or two of wisdom & hindsight they could spare ? No doubt I will keep you posted on the results.

What is it about dead bathtubs that fascinates a net surfer? My post on the subject is still drawing more hits than any other post that I have written. You're a strange lot really

1 comment:

Kathy said...

As usual, I have absolutely no wisdom to impart, Flattie, but you've always managed to do pretty well for yourself in that department.

Kobi is a kute, kool, kuddly-looking kanine. Please intervene for him when it comes time to meet the Ginger Ninjas, would ya?

And speaking of kanines, our fearless leader, President Obama, has chosen a Portugese Water Dog for his daughters. I'm proud he finally made good on his promise to his girls.

Take care, ol' mate.