Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Electric Chair is here...

Seriously, we now have an electric chair in the house. OK, so its actually an electric wheel chair, but you have to admit the headline grabbed your attention didn't it ? It arrived on Friday & its quite a beauty. Four speeds, reclineable & you can raise & lower it so that Jude can reach stuff a bit higher. It apparently has a range of some 30 kilometers, which will let Jude visit all of her friends in town & even get as far as the supermarket if she wishes to. The only problem is, that the nice folk who brought it over from Hamilton left the battery charger behind, so as it only has a minimal charge in it, she can't really use it until they send the charger over on Monday.

Whispas, our new family member, is settling in very nicely. I finally dragged my sorry butt out to make up the bit of fence that I needed to shut off the back yard to keep her safe today. I looked round for my carpenters pencil to mark a bit of wood for the cut & here she is very solemnly holding it in her mouth. Why is it you never have a camera when you need it? She would be the most naturally inquisitive dog I think I have ever had anything to do with. Doesn't matter what you are doing, she wants to be a part of it. She is quite happy as well, to just lie in your lap & snore of an evening. It's going to be very difficult even to give her up for the couple of days needed to have her speyed, but I guess we will all get through it OK.

Tuesday, I am finally doing something about getting a top plate made so that I can actually chew properly again. Its going to be quite a novel experience for me. I forget how many years it is now since I have had a reasonable set of gnashers in my top jaw. Well, thats about it . Tomorrow I guess I might even mow the lawns. All this exercise definitely improves your outlook on life. Mostly

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