Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sometimes I feel

like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, only I feel like I have my whole head in it sometimes and Morty, I mean the earth wall sort of dyke NOT the lesbian one with male tendencies. FINALLY figured out the leak in the spa pool. It wasnt the fitting that had been hacksawed through that is held shut with a hoseclip oh my word no.. It was the fitting that the thermostat sits in not sealed properly at the bottom where it was crimped over. Thats fixed . Unfortunately, I didnt realize that because of the leak, the thermostat had corroded into place in the tube & twisted the damn thing off getting it all adrift. I am waiting for some araldite to set. This so that I can reassemble everything & turn it back on & see if it works.. Otherwise its pull it all to bits again & take it to the spa pool doctor on Monday for a new thermostat.. See what i mean ? Oh & going to visit Mum this afternoon as well

1 comment:

Morticia said...

Christ I hate it when you head me off at the pass...