Saturday, February 17, 2007

Winter draws on...

Or so it would seem. In my job you dont need to experience a change in temperature to know that the global clock is turning for the winter cycle. Even the fact that Tigger Puss is sleeping under the blankets on our bed.

I did the late run to Auckland last night. Where we have been picking up barbeques, we are now picking up log fires. Personally, I would rather uplift barbeques.. They're a damn sight lighter for a start. Hopefully, the snapper will finally start to run & the weather on the weekends will be conducive to putting my little boat in the water.. Hmmmmm.. Pigs might sprout wings as well..

1 comment:

Morticia said...

I need a big one delivered, don't worry about the flue, I can scavenge that from somewhere else. Just let it fall off the back of the truck on the lawn behind the Legend. I'll leave a tarp out for ya to throw over it. It'll be our leetle secret ;-)