Thursday, February 26, 2009

News From The Western Front.

We had a visit from the Lightwrite people today. They have loaned Herself a new lighter, far more portable talking machine. She has this to trial & evaluate for a few weeks. If she likes it, then they will apply for funding so that she can have one for the duration. I finished work at lunch time, so that I could get a few things done & still be here when they came. It all worked out fine.

Meanwhile, we have heard from Waikato Hospital. Herself gets her feeding tube done next week. The neuro nurse has arranged for me to stay in the same room as Jude for the duration bless her. My ever tolerant bosses have given me the week off so that I can be with her. This is the latest in a long string of kindness & compassion that they have shown us both since Jude started getting really ill.

The morning sees yet another full load of product down from Mt Wellington, so its another early start. more later I guess.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Please keep us posted as to Herself's status, if and when you get the opportunity. Thinking of you both...