Saturday, December 18, 2010

Striking a happy medium...

I did something tonight that I wouldn't normally do. I went with Jude to an evening with an extremely good & very well known local full trance medium. She has been practicing locally for years & has more or less retired now & has been so for a number of years now as it takes quite a physical toll on her. Jude used to go to her evenings on a regular basis, but I didn't care for it overly much. You see the main spirit channelled is very much into telling us all to adopt full survivalist mode.

Not that I have anything against survivalism you understand. Its just that I choose to prepare for events like that in other ways than hoarding & storing food. To me, knowledge will be of infinitely more value & doesn't deteriorate like food does. Anyway enough of that. I went so that Jude could go. This medium only does one evening a year now, generally at Xmas time, so Jude really wanted to go, so of course, I went too. We pretty much got what I expected, but we got a personal bonus as well. You see, the medium concerned has two main guides, the second one being her healing guide, who is , to say the least of it, a bit of a rough diamond. He had some very personal words of comfort for Jude, which we both found absolutely wonderful. Left us both with tears in our eyes. For Jude to have found a measure of peace is infinitely worth it all.

The little dog had her big operation on Wednesday. I have been guilty of putting it off a bit, but as her sisters are all starting to come in to season, I thought it wise to get it done before Christmas. Would be just our luck for it to happen while away at Chris's place.. Spots of blood everywhere.. Yay...... Anyway she has come through with flying colours. When I picked her up she spent about five minutes telling me how crook she was. But she's been really good. Hasn't picked at her dressings at all so far. She's starting to get her appetite back too. At the moment, she is sitting behind me happily chewing a nice meaty bone.

We've had a decent bit of rain too. Not half hearted heavy mist like we have been having. Real good heavy down pouring rain that soaks into the thirsty dirt, & overflows the spouting, which I haven't emptied the magnolia leaves from yet. It will make the gardening easier too I guess. The next chore is to level out the vege garden, transfer the contents of one compost bin to it, then turn it over. A session with a rake should see it ready to plant. I think I will have to talk to the folk at the plant shop as to what is plantable at this time of year. A kittle of lots of different stuff I think. The rain has also shown me another funny little habit the wee dog has. When she gets wet, she licks herself dry like a cat.. Really funny.

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