Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hello, my name is James & i'm a chauvinist

Its been one hour since I did a chauvinistic act. I made my wife a cup of tea & took it to her in bed. I'm also guilty of such Chauvinistic acts as opening car doors for her, not letting her chop firewood & good naturedly growling at her if she happens to mow the lawn for me. I also take out the trash when I remember. Oh yes, I also refer to her as "My Wife" which implies some sort of possession. She retaliates by calling me "My Husband."

We both believe that everything God does he does with a purpose. If He (note the masculine form here ) intended man & woman to perform the same tasks in life, he would have built us more or less the same. He didnt. Women are built for carrying kids. Men are built for making them . Men have big feet so they dont get bogged down in the mud hunting Bisons. Women have little feet so they can stand up close to the kitchen bench, although I have been guilty of the abuse of food preparation in a kitchen on a regular basis.

Seriously, I believe that we have been created different, but complimentary to each other. It therefore makes sense to me that we stick to the chores that God intended us to do. I spent a lot of years in the permanent Fire Service, & was stationed with one of the two female firefighters that we had at the time. She was very competent & did her job as well as anyone with one exception. No matter how she worked out she just didnt have the upper body strength for some of the jobs that needed doing & Firemen are chauvinistic enough that there was always someone there to say ,"Here, let me do that." Nice as it was, this really isnt good in a situation where safety depends on everyone doing what they are supposed to do.

I must be doing something right, because Jude enjoys being treated as something special with me blustering my way in & doing stuff that I dont think she should be doing. It pays off, because she treats me with love & respect as well. So yeah, I'm a male chauvinist. I guess that makes Jude a female chauvinist as well, because she thinks there are things that ladies do better than men. I'm lucky I suppose, that I have the sense to acknowledge that & let her do them, the way that she lets me do that which I consider to be my stuff. All in all an extremely satisfactory arrangement I would have thought.


Anonymous said...

Had I known you were gonna go and get all sensitive and dripping-with-sarcasm, Flattie, I wouldn't have been so hard on that sense of humor of yours, such as it apparently is these days.

You see, Bill and I have a symbiotic relationship very much like yours and Jude's. As I recall, I told you recently that he's in charge of the outside of the house, and I'm in charge of the inside. One would be hard-pressed to find a more "traditional" division of duties than that.

But one of the countless reasons I married Bill is that he would never make a remark such as "[Women] could & should be home cooking their husbands dinner." It's degrading and offends me to the core of my spirit, even when said in jest. In fact, ESPECIALLY when said in jest, because anyone who would say something like that and mean it, is not someone I want to know anyway.

Occasionally I hear Bill tell Roxy and Hurley that he's the "alpha dog" around here. I quickly remind him, however, that even if that were true, "when beta dog ain't happy, ain't nobody happy". Which is thoroughly irrelevant, of course, because Bill is one alpha dog that knows how to keep his bitch happy! ;-)


Flattie said...

Uhm.... Ok... I didnt actually SAY that they should be home cooking. I aint that much of a traditionalist. There are, as you well know heaps of differences between the sexes, put there as you so rightly say so that we can enjoy a symbiotic relationship & you know thats the way I feel about it. I do quite regularly play the Devils advocate though, just to stimulate thought & discusssion. Love ya heaps,

Anonymous said...

I know you well enough, Flattie, to know that playing devil's advocate is something you relish doing, and you do it quite well. I also know that you love Jude as no other man could and would never demean her in any way. And ultimately, that's all that matters to me.

One more thing, and then I'm done: I believe if you'll look at the bottom of the second paragraph of your blog entitled "Sit & Stay", you'll see that you did indeed say "They [women] could & should be home cooking their husbands dinner."

Love ya heaps right back atcha,