Sunday, March 22, 2009

Beauty & the beast

I sat up & watched King Kong last night. I did see the original many years ago, which was an absolute masterpiece of animation for its time, all shot with models that were moved one frame at a time, absolutely brilliant. Finally, someone with the balls to do a remake has come along. New Zealand's own Peter Jackson, who has done a stunning remake. I had seen it before, but somehow appreciated it all the more second time round. He stayed very faithful to the original story.

Naomi Watts is a very acceptable replacement for Faye Wray. I didn't notice at all the gratuitous cleavage shots, or the erect nipples through the thin filmy dress at all, but the ape sure did. And it was his undoing. How the hell is a gorilla supposed to successfully defend himself on the top of the Empire State Building against biplanes armed with machine guns with that winsome lucious package draping herself artistically all over him ? The end was inevitable really. Very sad, but inevitable. I enjoyed the movie. Nothing like a bit of good honest fantasy to make you forget about things, & not a swear word in the whole 3 hours odd of it. Wonderful.

We decided to go visit Morty et al yesterday. Took the chainsaw, the computer box & lunch down. Lunch was in the form of a heap of bags of deli scrag ends from a neat little wholesale deli that I have found in Auckland. Some compensation I guess for having to be up there at the moment. had a lovely day. Free entertainment provided by a couple of knob end kids on a mini bike who thought they could escape the law by cutting through the back of the Poly Tech by using a walk bridge. Didnt work. The cops took their time & set them up very nicely, suckering them into going back over the bridge & straight into the arms of a loving constable. Naive little bastards.

Its always good to go see Morty & the kids. They always make us feel so special there. Still trying to figure out what subcategory of "special" we come under. We think it has good connotations, but we aint certain. Anyway, for a little bit of work, we came away with a nice load of firewood, an updated puter, a big box of grapes, three yummy squash, a nice fuzzy glow & a partridge in a pear tree. Today was quiet, with just a friend from work coming round to see us. He's a nice guy & has just had a major op on his ear. It was left far too long & nearly became lifethreatening. I wont give you the details, but it had started to get very messy & the infection had nearly got to his brain.

Gonna finally get around to bundling up various assorted pressies for my kids & will get them away tomorrow.


Morticia said...

You forgot the bag of Tigridia seeds and the home grown shallots, but that's ok cos herself knew they wuz there even if you didn't *snort*.

PS in your case, it's spelt "speshul" cos to us, you sure are :0)


cwnda said...

Strange - even after the third viewing I didn't notice the gratuitous cleavage shots or the erect nipples either ... -Ô¿Ô- 

Flattie said...

Morty, I may be "Speshul" but I never sed I had perfik recall....

Cwnda.. I can't help it iffen ya needs new glasses...

Morticia said...

Just some that actually sat on 'is face would be a good start hehe

Flattie said...

We could go a long way with that comment, but I daren't, I just.... No, I can't do it....