Sunday, March 29, 2009

Another weekend done gone

Albeit a short one. We had a meeting at work yesterday that lasted 5 hours. i did begrudge the time a bit because I have been doing night runs for the last two weeks & so missing out on my evenings with Herself, but it was a worthwhile meeting I guess. Today I got a bit done. Did my bit for Global Warming by burning a heap of rubbish. Its a cunning plan; hopefully by heating the air up by burning rubbish, summer might last that little bit longer. If you believe that, then you will also believe that sitting in the dark for an hour is going to help things as well. I'm proud of my efforts. I turned everything in the house on. Felt quite good about it when I saw the pic of Aucklands CBD lit up like a Xmas Tree as well. Seriously though folks, quite aside from most of our electricity being generated from renewable resources, you can all do far more to help by turning off lights when you're not using them, turning off TV's when you aren't watching them. Same with Puters. You would be amazed to know how much energy is used by an appliance on standby.

I mowed the lawns today. That uses a bit more power,(electric mower) & generates a bit more methane,(composting lawn clippings) Stuffed a bit more of the ozone layer, ( aerosol rust penetrator) getting the bolts undone on Morris The Mixer's motor. You see, Morris needs a new drive belt, because his old one is about 20 years past its use by date. Its all a cunning bit of procrastination to put off actually using the damn thing for the purpose that I bought it for, namely doing mowing strips & actually making the back yard look finished.

What else did I do ? Oh yeah, watched Star Trek Generations on TV. that used about 100 litres of water out of one of our hydro lakes I suppose. Will have a spa later too. That should use a bit more power & put a bit of steam into the air.. Damn I'm enjoying this...


Anonymous said...

So pleased to see you are one of the global savers, coffs.
I dutifully turned out a lot of lights which unfortunately led to Mr Muna's distress.
His cries of pain tromping on burnt, chestnut shells that he'd dropped, did not gain my sympathy.
Hugs to you both

Kathy said...

We don't HAVE to do our part, because the electric company does it for us. Seems like we have a blackout every other week or so. Wreaks havoc on the computers, DVR and clocks, but not much else until the sweltering hot weather arrives. That's when the REAL fun begins.

Ah, such is life in the country...