Thursday, July 13, 2006


Surprisingly, its been a whole year since Sir Bob & Bono organised the mind blowing series of concerts they called Live8. We didnt get up & watch the whole thing, but we did catch the last bit with The Who & Pink Floyd on stage. Although I dont have home theatre, I do have a damn good stereo system that culminates in a pair of wooden boxed 3 cubic foot Fisher Studio quality speakers. I also have my TV sound run back through my stereo. That day was a red letter one as it was the first time that I had ever been brave enough to have the volume at full. The Ginger Ninja's were running up & down the drive, quite concerned at their food providers eccentric behaviour. Even Chloe hauled her fat calico ass out of the lounge. Self & herself sat inside & grooved.. Ok, so our ears bled for a week, but it was worth it. We were that impressed, we went out & bought the DVD.

These two have impressed me greatly because they have accomplished something. They have convinced the big 8 countries to wipe outstanding debt incurred by the poverty stricken countries of the third world. Thats a big start, because it means that income generated by these countries is staying in those countries & not being paid out to affluent countries that dont really need it & it is slowly starting to make a difference. I like that. Bob & Bono, you rock.

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